“So what are you going to do over Christmas break?” our friend Missy asked my son Jack. “I don’t know”, Jack said. “We should build an igloo on the lake” Missy suggested. The rest is history. It didn’t take long before the ideas and plans were flying around here like snowflakes in a blizzard. Ice tonges began to get dusted off, chainsaws were being sharpened, crock pots were getting counted, invitations were sent out, and the excitement was building. After a couple late night planning sessions, the blue prints were scratched out with a color crayon and we were ready to build. December 29th was a perfect 30 degree day here in Minnesota, with no wind. The kids showed up by the dozens, and seldom gave the sleds a break. Many friends, neighbors and family joined the fun as we built the Ice Castle. The depth of the ice on the lake was a solid 12 inches. Everyone had a great time. Thanks to everyone that helped put this together! I’ve included a photo gallery on this site, check it out!