The fishing and the weather remains about as good as it gets with daily limits of silvers and lots of husky kings including the 48-pounder landed by Tom Fulton on July 22. Add chum and pink salmon to the mix and there can be hours when nearly every bait that goes down seems to get a bite. Yesterday on my boat we had a triple header – Gerry Adams had a king, Don Stark a silver, and Jim Waldo a big buck chum salmon. All caught at 70 feet at the same time. After we got done with 6 hours of lights out salmon action, we simply anchored in the same spot and got a limit of good size chicken halibut on salmon gear. The boats that ventured offshore also did well for halibut yesterday. The weather was partly sunny, 60 degrees and flat calm. This would be a stand out day in any year, as it is in 2013, but days like this just keep coming this summer.