As many of our long time fishing guests know, the Shark Hole has been a go to spot for kings and silvers for decades – especially when wind and high seas drive us off the ocean. For reasons we’ll never know, our old reliable produced very little during our king season in 2012 and next to nothing during the silver season. That’s until yesterday when Captain Shark Hole, better known as Chuck, spent some time in there and found 20 silvers and 3 kings for his anglers from AG Ventures in North Dakota. Given our weather forecast today – strong southeast winds and rain – this is welcome news for our anglers up for the Labor Day weekend. The rain forecast for today, which hasn’t come as of 11 AM, should move silvers in from the ocean and, theoretically, improve fishing in the Shark Hole. According to charter captains I’ve spoken to that fish waters on the other side of the island from us, they aren’t seeing many silvers yet other than in front of the hatchery. Guess is the local native fish are still out there on the ocean. Stay tuned.