A stretch of rough weather just after the fourth of July didn’t dampen the fishing for silvers and kings. Even better, the ocean laid down the past two days and the fishing has been absolutely on fire. Limits of kings, silvers, and halibut – often by late morning – have been the rule. The action got off immediately on my boat with the Savant/Faulkner party putting 10 silvers in the boat before I had a chance to shut the engine off from cool down mode. The silvers were mostly 6 to 10 pounds, wild and acrobatic. We brought a total of 8 kings to the boat, released four and landed 30 silvers by just after 9 in the morning. This kind of action was mirrored on all the AU boats. Halibut fishing came next and went well on the offshore grounds, again with limits. We ended the day with lunch at St. Lazaria (Bird Island) in the calm lee of the island. The big king of the year came in on Captain Chuck’s boat by Jack Levy from the Solberg party – 38 pounds and they released one estimated to be about the same size. Right now, it is all good.