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The Cape show carries on! In the last few days, at least one boat from our fleet explored north, with little success. We begin each day by investigating The Cape with the hope that is continues producing. Today, Captain Bo finished the second day of a three day trip with the Fahey party. During day one, they spent the entire day anchored at The Cape. Their patience paid off – they caught all their halibut and most of their salmon. Day two took some extra work. They began at The Cape, where they landed two kings and two halibut, but left to explore Biorka. They picked up one king there and a bonus 10-pound coho, but it didn’t provide enough confidence to stay, so the group went to Viskari. They finished the day there and bagged five more kings. The largest king of their trip so far was a 23-pounder caught by Eric Oeltjen.

We’re seeing most of the salmon come in at an average weight in the low 20’s compared to the May average that was in the high teens. The weather has been consistently windy, with 5-6 foot seas. With more of our boats consistently on the water, we will have more freedom to explore, so stay tuned for future reports.


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