Update from the State of Alaska:
Alaska is one of the states “opening up”. So far this remains largely an internal affair. Our big obstacle to opening remains in place. Mandate 10: All people arriving in Alaska, whether resident, worker or visitor, are required to self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor for illness. Arriving residents and workers in self-quarantine, should work from home, unless you support critical infrastructure.
- Mandate 10 – The 14-day quarantine remains in effect for people flying in from out of state. Read more.
- Mandate 16 – The first steps of “opening up” is underway. There are provisions for lodging and charter fishing. Read more (attachment J and L).
- Angling Unlimited has filed operation plans with the City of Sitka and with the State of Alaska. We are doing all we can to comply with current mandates and find a way to open safely for our guests. These plans include what we’ll be doing to keep our buildings, cars, boats, food service, fish processing, etc. as safe as possible.
We’re Hanging In – We Hope You Do Too
After nearly 30 years in business, we are currently facing the unprecedented possibility of losing as much as 100% of our revenue in 2020. For those of you who are booked and waiting, we hope to operate as soon as it is safe and responsible. We are hanging in, keeping all our ducks in a row for a safe opening of our season. We hope you hang in, too.
We’re making the waiting painless. We have waved our refund policy. You get a 100% refund regardless of your reason for or date of cancellation.
Better Regulations
We understand that regulations aren’t driving the decisions of policymakers or our customers. That said, we expect more liberalized regulations for both halibut and king salmon due to decreased fishing effort. Halibut maximum size on the low end could go up to 45 inches and king salmon annual limits will likely be adjusted to allow for more take home later in the season.
Next Update
The big date on the horizon is May 19 when the State of Alaska comes out with updated mandates. We will send out a newsletter on May 20. We will carefully watch the data coming from Alaska and other states that are in phase one of opening up. A number of states in the lower 48 will be making public announcements on May 18.
In the meantime, stay safe and stay tuned.