Monday afternoon, June 18, Captain Ryan Refshaw and the Ravalin party fishing on Skute made one more stop before heading home. Captain Ryan metered the area with the depth sounder and found a big mass of baitfish. He stopped and the lines went in. Not long afterward, Matt Ravalin hooked into a king and thus began a 25-minute fight. The king started with a long run, then followed with stubborn lateral movement. Deckhand Zach Hagen stood by with the net normally used for salmon on Skute. Then he saw the fish and immediately went for the big net. Given the fish that went into the net was a 52-pound king, he had the right idea. This is the first trophy king of the 2018 season. Congratulations to Matt and the crew of Skute for reaching the holy grail of king salmon fishing.
Fishing Report: The one big fish aside, the report remains pretty much the same as last week. King are very spotty, and limits are very hard to get. Halibut, rockfish, lingcod and some blackcod continue to provide plenty of daily action. The fishing for all of them is quite good. Seas have been mostly calm aside from a big, widely spaced long-distance swell early in the week. We’ve seen a couple of silvers but nothing to suggest a major movement onshore, yet. Stay tuned.