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Updates on the 2020 Season: June 11, 2020

By June 12, 20206 Comments

Check out these recent catches below! All 30lb+ kings caught in the last 3 days. 

young blonde woman holding a large king salmon on boat
man in hat holding large king salmon on boar
woman in yellow slickers holding large king salmon on boat
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The Fun Has Begun

AU got the season started in fine style on June 7. We found excellent numbers of king salmon ranging from the low teens to high 30’s. Kings topping 30 pounds hit the dock for the past 3 days in a row. Our guests also enjoyed excellent catches of halibut, rockfish, and one group caught a limit of blackcod in the deep, deep. The weather ranged from slightly bumpy to flat calm.

Regulations Improve Big Time

The king salmon and halibut regulations look better than they have for years. Starting June 15 and running through the end of the season the king salmon limit is 1 per day and 4 annually for non-resident anglers – a major jump up. Halibut maximum size will increase from 40 inches (29.3 pounds) to 45 inches (43 pounds) sometime in the next week or two. The process for changing halibut regulations is complicated by the international agreement with Canada – it’s in the works, but the works are slow.

Travel Is Easy

For those who feel comfortable traveling, you can expect airports without lines, rush, or crowds. The airlines are going to great lengths to provide a sanitized cabin and Alaska Air appears to be keeping the middle seat open. The recommended measures of wearing a mask, distancing when possible, and hand hygiene are either required or highly recommended. We at AU know that deciding to travel or not is a personal choice based on risk factors and emotional comfort. We aren’t in the business of pushing people. We are in the business of providing a top-flight fishing trip with all the precautions possible for those who choose to make the journey.

Painless and Easy – We’ve Got You Covered

Alaska has testing requirements and we’ve found an easy stay at home means for you to comply via an arrangement with StrataCLEAR. It’s a self-administered throat swab test sent to you via FedEx with a return label. You take the test at the magic 72-hour mark before boarding and quickly get it to FedEx. Your result will come to you on your phone via a secure link or an App. A number of inbound people have used this StrataCLEAR. The test is painless and the results have come in plenty of time. Easy.

The cost will be $140. Contact Carly at 907-747-3736 or Kim at 218-732-4744.

Dates Available

AU has openings in June, July, and August, stretches of the season typically booked solid a year in advance. For those ready to travel, this is a great opportunity to enjoy prime dates.


  • Fred Sycuro says:

    So how did the strata clear test work? Or is it working?

  • Scott Weber says:

    Several questions;
    Are masks required for guests at any time on your properties ( other than air travel)?
    Can guests travel to town for visit or food?Any restrictions ?
    Can guests visit your or other docks with or without masks or social distancing?

    • Angling Unlimited says:

      We encourage everyone to wear face coverings. Keeping a buff around your neck is an easy way to have a face covering on hand at all times.

      Some restaurants are open for dine-in, all are available for carryout and delivery. We are working on coordinating a local food truck on-site for guests to have as an option for dinner. Some businesses in town require face coverings, all recommend wearing them! We ask the guests to limit their trips to town. If guests prefer to grocery shop for themselves (and not have AU crew grocery shop for them) then we ask that 1 or 2 people from the group go to the store as opposed to the entire group.

      We recommend that everyone has a face covering on them, especially when in the company of others, and practice social distancing whenever possible.

  • Scott Weber says:

    I noticed the latest pictures on boat do not have masks. Do crew members and guests have to wear masks anytime while on the boat?

    • Angling Unlimited says:

      We ask that – especially while you are all riding in the cab together, in close quarters – guests and crew members have their face coverings at the ready. When it comes to being out on the deck, fishing in your separate areas, the group members and their captain will discuss what everyone is most comfortable with. ALL crew members – captains, deckhands, hostesses, processors, etc have face coverings and we ask the same of our guests. Some people have been removing their face coverings for the purpose of the photo – which is fine!

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