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The Captain's Blog

How to pack for Sitka

By February 28, 2013No Comments

In Sitka, where Angling Unlimited operates, you’ll find a maritime climate, meaning it’s heavily influenced by thousands of miles of ocean that moderates the temperatures and brings ample precipitation. It’s rare for the weather to be either very hot or very cold. Those of you arriving from warm summer climates may find it a bit chilly. You can expect temperatures in the mid-40’s to low-50’s in the morning and upper-50’s to low-70’s during the day. The sun may shine during your entire trip or it may rain much of the time. A mix of sun, rain, and clouds is most common for a multi-day visit. This guide will help you pack for Sitka.

 What to Wear

Dress in layers and bring at least one more layer than you think you need. The thermometer may say 60 degrees, but the combination of marine moisture and a light breeze will make it feel cooler, especially for people travelling in from warm summer weather in the lower 48. Synthetic fleece fabrics provide better warmth and comfort in wet weather than cotton clothes. Gloves are optional depending on how easily your hands get cold.

A group of anglers dressed for Sitka weather

You’ll want raingear to keep you dry and as a windbreaker. Angling Unlimited provides raingear and boots for all our guests.

How much clothing you bring depends on your length of stay and your accommodations. Angling Unlimited provides laundry facilities so you can dry your clothes at the end of a wet day or do wash so you can pack lighter.

Alaska Airlines and most others charge a fee for checked baggage, so pack your clothes in a carry-on bag. That way you can use your checked baggage allowance for your boxed fish on your return flight. You are allowed one carry-on bag plus one personal item, such as a purse, briefcase or laptop computer. For more information go to:

Bring a hat with a wide brim to keep the sun and/or rain off your face.

If you thought this post was helpful, there are many other helpful tips like these in our eBook that will help prepare you for a trip to Sitka.  You can download our eBook here.

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