Hometown: St. Charles, Minnesota
Why you’re here/Why Alaska: I met Captain Chuck’s son Jack in my first semester of college and we quickly became good buddies. After just a week of knowing each other, it felt like we’d known each other forever. He convinced me to join the Angling Unlimited crew this summer.
What you do in the offseason: In the off-season I work in Residential Construction.
What do you love to do/hobbies: I love to do anything that puts me out in nature.
Education/goals/career plan: I am currently pursuing a degree in AG Business.
Favorite Quote: ” In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks”- John Muir
Hayden Schaber
Angling Unlimited
4256 Halibut Point Rd,
Sitka, Alaska, 99835
Sitka, Alaska, 99835