Kim and Her Mom, Jane
Roles: Payroll Personnel
Kim was born in 1970 to Math and Jane Welle in the small town of Greenwald, MN (200 population). She attended Catholic school kindergarten through 6th, the went to public school in Melrose, MN.
Kim’s parents ran an implement dealership in Greenwald, selling International tractors. Kim watched her dad put in long hours, her Dad’s formula for success which accounts for Kim’s hard-working mentality. Kim’s father passed away in August 2019. Her mother works at the Catholic School as a Foster Grandparent.
Attended College in Alexandria, MN and received a bachelor’s degree in finance. She met her “soul mate”, Jason McCollum, in college and they married in 1994. According to Kim, “It’s been told that you marry someone who can get to heaven with you and I feel I’m blessed to have Jason.” They are blessed with 3 children: Tyler, Jordan, and Jaiden.
Kim started with Angling Unlimited 2004. She enjoys all the clients, listening to their fishing stories and helping set up trips that make great memories for them. Kim loves to make a personal connection with AU’s clients. She’s always willing to hear family stories as well as what people are up to beyond fishing with AU. “We’re family here and that’s what this is all about.”
When it comes to taking care of customer questions or needs, she’s always right on it. Captain Tom claims Kim would have to look the word procrastination up in the dictionary to learn what it means.
Favorite Quote: “My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.” – Steve Jobs