A storm blew threw on Friday making fishing difficult, wet, and rough. Despite the bad weather, some good fish were landed including a 35 pound king by Ernie Peterson’s grandson Trevor. Ernie has fished with AU for more than a decade. Was the fishing great? No, but the day proved that even under the toughest conditions, the possibility of a good fish awaits in Sitka. The silver lining in the dark clouds came on Saturday. Despite a rough ocean, limits of silvers with a few kings sprinkled in were taken by a number of AU’s boats including the Gary Smith group, KLB Construction and Ernie Peterson’s family. The silvers were big – up to 15 pounds with lots of them over 10 pounds. Ernie’s family then headed out on the rough ocean and caught a limit of halibut including a 105 pounder with Captain David Gross. Forecast for the next five days is much improved and we’re hoping the silvers are here to stay.