The first day for the Sauerland party and many others was isolated to The Shark Hole because of strong winds and large seas. Most boats in the fleet fished in calmer water where they managed to catch double digit silverĀ numbers and a few kings.
During the next two days, the stormy weather subsided and the ocean flattened. Captain Cobra (Bryan) took the group to The Cape, where fishing is still fantastic. The group had their limit of silvers by 9 a.m. the final two days of their trip. They also found limits of slot-sized halibut on the gravel flat not far from the salmon bite. The salmon fishing was so hot that the group had several triples and quads throughout the morning. The average size of the silvers is increasing as well. The Sauerland party averaged 12-pounders during their trip. Each day they had a couple fish in the 16-18 pound range. Kings are still around, but not the strong numbers they were earlier in the year. The weather was so pleasant and the fishing so fast that the group decided to enjoy their delicious sandwiches made by Deckhand Eric (Viking) in the calm water near St. Lazaria (Bird Island).
A good sign for the next stretch is that fish are spread out along the west coast of Kruzof. Other AU captainsĀ in the fleet reported good silver action at Point Amelia, Parking Lot, and Point Mary. It’s always comforting to have other options this time of year. Stay tuned to hear how the August silver bite plays out!
Thank you for honoring my request to post Ernie’s trip photos. Hope I will be healthy enough to come back up there with them soon.