1.Airfare – Book it early and get a shot at some of the best airfare packages of the year. Some great airline deals that are currently running for May 2018 (prices as of Dec 1st):
from MPLS on Delta $674
from New York on Delta $633
from Portland on Delta $380
from Los Angeles on Delta $388
from Seattle on Delta $405
from Seattle on AK $402
from Los Angeles on AK $732 on AK
2.Hook It and Cook It – Great fishing, gourmet dining, and detailed instruction on how to prepare meals that will dazzle your family and friends with your take-home catch. If you haven’t done Hook It and Cook It before – make this the year.
3.Wilderness experience – The waters around Sitka are a saltwater wilderness all season, but the lighter fishing pressure in May along with excellent catch rates (link to catch rates) make this a special time to enjoy a bit more solitude while catching abundant kings, halibut, rockfish, and lings.
4.White kings –The catch of these uniquely oil-rich king salmon is highest during the early season.
5.Blackcod – The offshore halibut grounds often produce the best blackcod catches of the season. If you haven’t tried blackcod, you’re in for a rare treat.
6.Scenery – Snow covered mountains nearly down to the salt water give the area a uniquely “alpine” look in May. More than once the snowcapped beauty has prompted the question “what’s the altitude here”. To which the reply is, “Let me check the tide table.”
7.Wildlife – The whales are back by May, the albatross and shearwaters are abundant offshore, the sea otters are rafted up inshore. We see more Orcas in May than any other month. Every day of fishing comes with a spectacular eco-tour
8.Because you can – May is the break-out month. What better way to shake your cabin fever than heading to Sitka to catch kings, halibut, lingcod, rockfish, blackcod.