Over the course of the last week the coronavirus outbreak has followed a course that is both expected and unfortunate. In short, it’s spreading and the end point remains unknown. We continue to monitor this situation on a minute by minute basis. We’re hoping that we still have a fishing season in Sitka this summer, but this situation doesn’t offer certainty.
As of now:
- Angling Unlimited remains fully focused on the health and well-being of all our customers, our employees, their families, the American public, and the world. We continue to closely monitor developments in the coronavirus pandemic and consider the impacts.
- We are researching all measures we can take to keep our clients, including deep cleaning and disinfecting our suites, boats, common spaces, and cars for each incoming group. We are learning what steps to take in the food preparation and all other facets of our service.
- The season remains 2 to 5 months away depending on your dates. We will closely monitor all the latest developments and integrate what we learn into our booking policies and making trips to AU safe. We’re working on our cancellation policies, adjusting them to the circumstance should travel remain unsafe, unrecommended, or prohibited.
- We encourage everyone to hang tight for a month. Let’s see what trajectory the coronavirus outbreak tracks. At that point we should have a much better handle on what is and isn’t possible. Like the rest of the world, we don’t know if this is the darkest hour just before the dawn or the middle of the night.
- Our highest hope is to operate in Sitka this summer. The airlines have taken stringent measures to ensure the safety of their flights. The public is learning how to minimize their exposure to the virus.
- If travel to Sitka is safe this summer, you’ll be on a boat in the wide-open spaces, breathing fresh ocean air and enjoying the best fishing in the North Pacific. Onshore we’ll take all needed steps to absolutely minimize your risk of exposure.
- We understand that everyone will respond to coronavirus risks differently. We’ve heard from people who declared they’re coming hell or high water. We’ve also heard from guests who have specific risk factors who want out right now. Most of us live somewhere between the two. The science and medical realities of COVID-19 will ultimately dictate what we can offer this summer. As the saying goes, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but not to their own facts. We will follow the science.
- We are about 60 days away from the season start. We hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Please be safe, do what the medical science prescribes, and hang in there. If you have any questions or concerns that you’d like to discuss directly with us – please feel free to call.
Captain Chuck – phone or text: 970-208-2539, chuck@anglingunlimited.com
Captain Tom – phone: 508-415-0780, tom@anglingunlimited.com
Kim McCollum – 800-297-3380, kim@anglingunlimited.com