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Updates on the 2020 Season: June 4th, 2020

By June 4, 2020One Comment

Good News – It Begins


The State of Alaska has provided options to the 14-day quarantine. AU’s 2020 season gets rolling on Sunday. 

The Options:

  1. Arrive with a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within the last 72 hours and present results upon arrival. 
  2. Participate in a COVID-19 PCR test when you arrive in Alaska, and self-quarantine at your expense until results arrive.
  3. Self-quarantine for 14 days at your expense or the duration of your trip whichever is shorter.




Travel form:


Our Take:

The uncertainty about testing at the airport and what you can do while quarantined awaiting results makes option 1 the only option: Arrive with a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within the last 72 hours and present results upon arrival. 

Our first set of incoming guests worked hard to find testing that would comply, but all managed. Angling Unlimited is currently working with a firm that will FedEx a throat swab test to your door. We’ve been assured that if you take the test 72 hours from the time of your flight, then immediately return FedEx in the provided packaging, you will have documentation of your results prior to boarding your flight. We’re testing this program this weekend. If it works as expected, you’ll be assured that you can comply with the testing requirement and come fishing with us. All without a trip to a testing center and the nasal swab. 



Yes, there are a few hoops to jump through this year, but we see some bright lights: 

  1. You’ll board a plane to Alaska on which nearly everyone has recently tested negative for COVID
  2. You’ll fish with people who have recently tested negative
  3. You’re traveling to a state with one of the lowest rates of COVID in the country.
  4. Angling Unlimited is up to speed on all the best practices for keeping your lodging, our boats, and our cars as germ free as possible.
  5. The regulations for halibut will be relaxed: 45-inch minimum replaces the 40-inch minimum by mid-June at the latest. The rumor mill (not confirmed but likely) has it that king limits will be 1 a day and 3 annually throughout the season.
  6. For those who are ready to go and comfortable traveling but not yet booked, we have openings in July and August that have been nearly impossible to come by in recent years. 


We look forward to working with those of you comfortable making the trip to fish with us. We have some openings in June, so give us a call to reserve your spot. 

We’ll have another newsletter out in a few days as the first wave of guests arrive and we gain experience with the airport procedures. We will also have word on our solution to your testing needs for travel. 


Stay well, stay tuned, and keep the faith.

Captains Chuck and Tom, 

One Comment

  • Martin Feinmark says:

    Hopefully this is a mute issue in August. If not, right now it takes 4+ days to get results in Los Angeles county which will not work for Alaska requirements.. glad there is maybe an alternative..

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