Kings – B: We got the ball rolling with our annual Hook It and Cook It event. For the first few days, the kings were a wee bit scattered but by day four they were at the Cape in numbers. Fast limits of kings became the rule most of the time for the rest of the month. All in all, king numbers were excellent enough in May to earn an A, however, the size was not as large as normal which drags it down to a B.
Halibut – A: Much of the halibut action in May occurred in the same spots we found kings. No need for the long ride offshore and the depth was a relatively tame 300 feet. The 2021 maximum size limit allowed us to retain bigger halibut than in recent years and these bigger fish were there in good numbers. The combination of fast action, bigger fish, and short runs brought in a solid A for halibut.
Lingcod – A: The combination of the more liberal slot limit of 30 to 40 inches and the presence of a lot of lingcod in the rockfish spots made for excellent lingcod opportunities in May. They earn a solid A for the month.
Rockfish – B: Usually a short 10-to-20-minute limit, the rockfish seemed a wee bit less present and less willing this May. In some spots, the number of lingcod in the area may have put them on the defensive. So, the 10-to-20-minute limit became the 20-to-40-minute limit. We still got them, it just took slightly longer, thus the B.
Weather – C: May provide little sunshine, colder than normal temperatures, and a fair bit of rain. The wind came up a few times, especially the last few days of the month. We didn’t get totally blown off the ocean, but a few days required some fortitude. It all combines to a C for weather.