Good king fishing has continued to be good. It’s all about getting into the right place at the right time, which on some days takes persistence and patience. On Monday aboard my boat with the Jim Smith party, we didn’t have a king in the boat at 9:30 and by 10:30 we’d brought in 9. The Smith group ended yesterday in similar manner. Due to fairly dire weather forecast, we spent the first part of the morning halibut fishing. Once we wrapped that up, we headed in to the hot spot from the day before on the same stage of the tide expecting things to be lit up. What a difference a day make – the bait and the fish weren’t there but we got a positive call from Captain Ryan and headed his way. In 45 minutes we brought four kings to the boat, including a 33 pounder by Jim Smith. His group ended up with four kings over 30 for their trip including a 35 pounder caught by Chris “Biscuit” Simmons on Monday.