When it comes to favorite salmon spots, I’m fickle. My favorite spot is a temporary thing and it’s the place we’re currently catching. Sitka’s king salmon spots can generally be divided between inside and outside. As a general rule, the outside ocean spots are more consistent on a day in day out basis. I love fishing the west side of Kruzof Island – Shelikof, Point Mary, Point Amelia, Twin Point and Georgianna are all spots that have produced lots of kings and some very large ones, too.
The Shark Hole and Biorka are two great places to find kings that sort of straddle the boundary between inside and outside. I love both these spots, when they’re producing. If I could control the movements of kings, I’d love to see them on the inside waters more often. Catching big chinook in the calm passes like Olga, Neva, and Hayward Straits is about as good as it gets. Same with Crow Pass and countless other little spots south of Biorka.
And, we can’t forget Vitskari Rocks – neither outside or inside but close to home with real potential any time.