Coho Ascending
It would be hard for silver fishing to get faster than it has been for nearly two months. In truth, it has gotten a little more of a hunt and peck game in the last week. That said, limits or near limits have been attained most days and the silvers are showing their yearly pattern of getting bigger as we enter the second half of August. No one has pierced the magical 20-pound mark, but we’ve seen silvers in the mid-teens daily in the past week. Bigger coho are yet to come.
Weather Descending
The weather pattern shifted in the past three days from the unbelievable stretch of calm that began in early July to unsettled. We’ve been able to fish the ocean each day, but our guests are experiencing bigger seas, some wind, and rain. Silvers have shown up in some highly protected waters, so we should be able to salmon fishing work regardless of weather.
White Hot Halibut
The halibut bite in has transformed the deep water drop from fishing to simply catching. Four days ago, we sent four baits down and had four halibut on in less than 30 seconds. Most unusual – two of the baits we hit before they hit the bottom. I can’t remember getting “slacked off” by a halibut before – ever. The halibut have ranged from 34 inches up to the maximum 44 inches. The fast halibut bite frees up time to pursue the silvers and rockfish.