Silver fishing is coming into late season form. The numbers range from good to excellent and the size occasionally reaches the high teens. For the uninitiated, silvers reach a critical mass at somewhere between 10 and 12 pounds at which point they go from swirling and thrashing their way fairly quickly to the net to turning their back to you and peeling line off the reel. They are muscular and often acrobatic. They can be surprisingly exasperating to hook because of the shallow bites and quick rising with the bait. All in all, it’s challenging fun that you’ll have trouble getting enough of. The past week saw results ranging from limits to half limits mainly. They silvers haven’t come in blitzes, but if you find yourself on a good drift and convert the opportunities, you’ll be rewarded with plenty. To spice the fun, king action remains surprisingly solid so far this in the season. Anders Engle, fishing about Albatross put a 35 pound king in the boat on Sunday the 25th. Halibut continue to be pretty much slam dunk as do rockfish. The 2019 season is two weeks from what promises to be a spectacular end.