The weather doldrums settled on us for the second half of July with almost no wind, a flat calm ocean, and mild temperatures. The fishing has been anything but calm with big schools of silvers showing up, ample numbers of kings mixed in, a scattering of chums, and way too many pinks. Our guests can hardly put a bait down that doesn’t get bit. It’s just a matter of whether it’s the right kind of salmon. Catches of silvers have ranged from fast limits to all-day grinds that eventually add up to a good result. With the king limit at one per day and one per season, we haven’t had to target because we’re finding more than enough as we pursue the silvers. Halibut fishing has been fast and furious for chickens, but a bit more challenging for bigger fish on the offshore grounds. Rockfish continue to please and we’re seeing quite a few lingcod in the 30 to 35-inch slot size.

You should post Frank Gorecki’s 53″ monster ling! Kim has the pics!