In the past two weeks we’ve seen excellent, yet not entirely predictable king actions. As these
fish use their fins for the designated purpose, moving from place to place, they’ve presented a
question for our captains – wait it out in one spot or go on the search. To complicate things,
we’ve seen orcas move through our hottest spots at least two times. This scatters the fish for at
least a couple of hours or longer. Despite the mobility of king salmon and the occasional orca
attack, our guests have enjoyed solid king action with limit catches.
We’ve experienced a cold, wet, and occasionally windy May. When the winds drop, we make it
to the deep-deep (700 feet) the halibut come quickly with many close to the 40-inch maximum
limit. Closer in the halibut range from chickens to behemoths with guests taking advantage of
the Guided Angler Fish (GAF) program to retain a big flatty. The biggest GAF fish
so far landed aboard Shearwater with the Ringler party – a 69 incher
with an estimated weight of 170 pounds.
Our guests have enjoyed the best lingcod fishing we’ve seen in years. Targeting lings within the
30-35 slot proves challenging, but we’re landing many incidental to halibut, salmon, and rockfish
pursuits. Speaking of which, the rockfish continue to provide joy for all. After working at catching
kings and cranking up halibut in deep water, the shear ease and action of rockfish puts a smile
on everyone’s face.
- Dean Sagafi with a 26lb king salmon on June 1st
- Nick Obrand with a keeper lingcod
- Ringler Party 69 inch GAF Halibut