The past four days brought very good times with silvers from widespread locations. We’ve seen near-limits to limits on the ocean and protected inside waters. We’re not talking explosive 24-fish-per-hour bites. The name of the game is fishing hard, grinding away, and getting excellent results.
Halibut have been a little harder work recently mainly due to an infestation of blue sharks and the seeming lack of the big flatfish in the deep-deep waters (700 feet) that have been so predictably productive over the years. But, we keep searching and the past three days have delivered super fast limits for halibut in our old nearer shore haunts. The blue shark infestation can’t be overlooked wherever we go on the ocean lately. Hopefully, they will beat feet south again with a little fall weather and a drop in ocean temperature.
Rockfish remain a stalwart slam dunk and a good number of lingcod in the legal range have hit the dock lately. We have slightly less than 2 more weeks to fish and look forward to a strong finish. Stay tuned.